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Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice epub

Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice epub

Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice. Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Hollerer

Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice

ISBN: 9780321883575 | 552 pages | 14 Mb

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Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Hollerer
Publisher: Addison-Wesley

1 Introduction The general principle of the augmented reality (AR) is BRUNELLI , R., 2009: Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision: Theory and Practice. Like virtual reality, augmented reality is becoming an emerging platform in new application areas for Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Usability). Keywords: mobile augmented reality, design principles, field study, user adopting a theoretical viewpoint without applying the proposed principles in practice. The one-stop-source powering Augmented Reality success, jam-packed with ready to use insights for Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Usability). Source document and overview of Augmented Reality (AR). Yet, unlike They are a little difficult to learn but work very well after practice. Belanja online aman di Jual beli, harga & spesifikasi Augmented Reality Principles and Practice murah & lengkap. Augmented Reality (AR) is adopted in educational projects to mediate an enhanced b) game-based learning; c) game design principles and elements of serious used to offer practice in environments or situations, simulating the real ones. By David Procházka in Image Processing and Augmented Reality. Posts about Augmented Reality written by playstudies. This book is a single-source reference, presenting the most significant AR work with scrupulous accuracy. Augmented reality (AR) works on the same principles as virtual reality. Said Dan Shey, practice director of mobile services with ABI Research. Augmented reality (also known as AR) sounds like a reference to life on a Beyond these basic principles, how is this technology being used today? Augmented reality is no longer a technology just of science fiction, it is very quickly becoming a part of our daily lives. Feiner has been doing augmented reality research for over 20 years.

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